Thursday, October 22, 2015

How green are you?

I think that the green culture is a new culture, many peoples in the actuality indentifican  the activity that necessary for the planet, this is why, it is why institutoniality sites they are incorporating  subject pointing to the green culture. 

In my opinion I learn from the practice of green culture in the university, environmental groups, municipal program, Y considerer is very relevant incorporate these new knowledge in people of society.
I believe that, the used cars is a unnecessary, because it is highly polluting and damages the ozone layer. I consider the governments need to improve public transport.

In the past semester participate in the environmental commission in the faculty. Also in my home I did a orchard, and I prepare composting, I think that is necessary have these practices at home, because they are organic waste that benefit your plants.

To reduce my carbon footprint, I incorpote know documentaries in my green culture, y considerer the topic is relevant in my life because I learned a lot about the green movement worldwide.  

In my life, organic products consumption and recyclable.  Also, considerer necessary the new politics that aim to teach these news practice.  I would like to design public politics directed to improve the relationship to the environment .

1 comment:

  1. You participate in a environmental commission? Very good. I like that you found a place where make activities in help environmental assistance.
