Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Best Friend

I think that mi best friend is a person very important for me, your name is Nelson, her persononality is very angry and impactant.

Whe are friends from the school. Nelson playing basquetball, this sport is a unknow for me.
I asked if I could play with the, and I say of course, that day we played all afternoon.

Our friendship if grew over the year. I remember that we played basketball during our free time.
We were friends for the two years of secondary education. Nelson have many skills in mathematic abilities, and comparating our mathematics exercises.  During the time that friendship. Nelson show affection to me. 

I consider to nelson my best friend because it is an unconditional person.  He was very  happy. I think that your good energy. In my opinion Nelson is a fundamental person because taught me the value the sport, especially the value in team sport, and the studies in mathematic  is necessary in the life. 

I remember that participate in the summer school the university of Chile at the faculty of physical sciences and mathematics.  In this opportunity, with my group participated in an engineering  project "vaca lechera"

I remember we won,  we had build a model, a car that move an object from an initial position to a final position.

Ithink that is the memory most memorable I have of me best friend Nelson.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

How green are you?

I think that the green culture is a new culture, many peoples in the actuality indentifican  the activity that necessary for the planet, this is why, it is why institutoniality sites they are incorporating  subject pointing to the green culture. 

In my opinion I learn from the practice of green culture in the university, environmental groups, municipal program, Y considerer is very relevant incorporate these new knowledge in people of society.
I believe that, the used cars is a unnecessary, because it is highly polluting and damages the ozone layer. I consider the governments need to improve public transport.

In the past semester participate in the environmental commission in the faculty. Also in my home I did a orchard, and I prepare composting, I think that is necessary have these practices at home, because they are organic waste that benefit your plants.

To reduce my carbon footprint, I incorpote know documentaries in my green culture, y considerer the topic is relevant in my life because I learned a lot about the green movement worldwide.  

In my life, organic products consumption and recyclable.  Also, considerer necessary the new politics that aim to teach these news practice.  I would like to design public politics directed to improve the relationship to the environment .

Thursday, October 15, 2015

My future job

I think that my future job is relatinated that joung, and and investigation that inmigrant in chile, also considerer important the investigation in educacion and realiced investigation in the rural áreas.
For my the ideal job is very dificul to think about, because the sociology is very diverse, exist very investigatives topics, i think that is important considerer the sociology dinamic formation.
In my opinión personal, the sociology is very important because me permit know the changeable the people. Is very important for me studies, the behavior the people. In special the group relevent in my investigation
Y need aplication the tecnics cualitatives and cuantitatives. I think the social cientific develov the combination the tecnics in the investigation.

In my future Word i would like have job in área investigative, and 50% in the office. Because considerer the interview is necesary also considerer important the aplication the statistics in the studies and investigations the sociology.

Also, i would like to travel a lot because is necesary incorpórate a knowledge collect in the travels.
In my formation, y considerer relevant think about, the investigation in my degree, studies as, popular education , technique education, the cannabis comsumption, political analysis, and young people in chile.

The sociology is a career with a lot  surprises in the laboral Word  

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Election day

In my opinion, the participation in the elections political is important because considered that my voting is very important, also the electoral activity is relevant and significative. The election the candidate is very important. In my family they are participative in the presidential election and municipal election.

I think that, the electoral campaing is relevant because in Chile, there juridical codices very strictly, and the justice penalizes acts of corruption. On the other hand, I considered the excess the pictures and mural, with the name of the candidate running for political office.

Is important considered that the person they must have qualities to lead a country in that sense, I believe that a requirement has to be studies in areas of population management.

In my opinion the electoral campaigns in my district is very irruptive and massive. The publicity invaded the streets, and the vehicle and public transport difficult are normality. Also considered that picture the electoral campaigns are necessary because the people remember that candidates participate in elections.  

The electoral participation is very necessary because many decisions the country depend of the participation of social sectors, and is necessary that the opinion the people be heard. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

I considered important the victory de Chilean selection.

The American cup, is a very important event  in Latin America, the region countries play football during one month, the football is the life in this month, the street, the family, the friends, the communication media and country invades the information relevant that topic related to that king sport.

Chile won the cup America, many people out the principal streets of the cities of Chile to celebrate the victory the selection of football. it was important because it was an  important event because the “hinchada” is multitudinous and massive.

I remember this day, that my friends had a conversation and coordinated the celebration the football Chilean selection. I went  to the apartment of my friend Rodrigo. We  did a roast, also watched tv, and drank beer, a lot of beer. Later many friends agreed to celebration.

We went to street Alameda, many people were celebrating in the principal monument the Italia square, my friends, Diego, Felipe, Ignacio, Valentina, Noelia. There we enjoyed the celebrations, the people were happy, They cried, laughed, the street was fantastic, and three colors. blue, white and red.