Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hello dear blog,

In this time, I am going to talk about my  academic year and my life.
In my opinion this year is a very important for me, because in my degree is very hard, in special this year, many subjects present a lot of difficulties, I consider this year with many challenges.

I consider my situation in this year very unsteady, because in the year, in my family, I experienced many problems. My mother and sister fought a lot. For my situation is very disagreeable. 
This is synonymous of many difficulties. I consider that the family is a very important, the relations, is a fundamental to maintain the good relationship with the family.

Other aspect of my life, for example: the university, is very relevant. This year for me is special the subject with statistic, and economy, I consider this year  very necessary to approve this subject because, it is necessary  to continue in my sociology degree.

This year I like to stand out the agreement that is very important in many activities in special in the investigation in the qualitative technics, it is very important because it is annual investigation, this work involves a lot of responsibility, because it is an investigation very rigorous.

Also, this year for me is a relevant in my relation with my classmate. We are scheduling, to visit in the vacations this austral highway. I think that is an opportunity very relevant because the south is beautiful, in this place where many Andean landscape exist.

This year for me, we have good moment and bad moment. I prefer the good moment.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Summer plans

In the summer that my friend of the university we are planning the vacation to the south of Chile. For me it is an opportunity very special because, in one opportunity in the past, in the year 2012 I traveled to the city Pucón. In that occasion, many persons visited the lake and He took photographs of Villa rica volcano.  For me it is a fantastic experience  because it is a relevant experience in this opportunity, I enjoyed with my friend. 

Renzo and Ignacio will be my companion, in this oportunity we are planning to record tour the southern highway during February.  

to make money during the trip we will sell “terremotos”, it is a  very popular drink  in the university, specially on Fridays.  For me it is important this trip, I consider the southern Chile very beautiful. I like the landscapes and flora and fauna.

I would like to visit the tower the Paine in a tourist circuit, called the O. In that plan is relevant because it is very famous and considers taking photos the many fauna and micro-fauna.
Also in the month the January it is very necessary for me to study text of May degree, I consider necessary for me to improve in that area because it is a  very difficult subject.

In the summer, I think todivide my time in the fun, trip and work, I consider necessary to perform activities. I consider that doing the route in the south is important, also to study.
Good bye!