my Biography
Hello , my name is Carlos Ruiz Diaz Jhonatan , I have 21 years, I was born in 1993 in the city of Lima. My primary and secondary education in Santiago I did , I did basic education in a school name Maipo school and high school I did in the consolidated educational complex , both schools located in the district of Puente Alto.
Currently living in Puente Alto , near Pirque me what I like about the place where I live is that I have great proximity to the field. Being close to the field I like too because I can grow all kinds of plants and flowers.
My household consists of my mother , stepfather and sister, with whom I have good relationship. Our good value product of a family business dedicated to the production and sale of fruit juices is maximized , which generates great contact .
With regard to my personal tastes from very small i like rap, and I share his way of life , compose music and I am dedicated to rapiar to improve my language skills .
Usually I like all kinds of music and I am open to learn new styles and tastes when it comes to music.
In my life I have had two great love affairs of half year and 6 months, other situations are small romantic approaches. I think I'm at an age where very often love touches my door and usually invite him to go .
In sports I like to play soccer , currently train on Tuesday and Thursday with the college selection . I also dedicate it to jog on weekends , to maintain strength and not to lower standards .
With regard to music , I'm learning to play the guitar , they are not classes in a school, they usually do at home , watching videos on YouTube or practicing with friends and they are more advance me in the musical area .
Moreover, I value good documentaries and movies, I like museums and walk around, I have a bohemian side so I really enjoy nightlife and think as I walk through the empty streets .
I have a very bright side , I like to talk funny things , and finally I take a lot of days when I go out dancing with my friends , I like salsa, merengue , cumbia, reggaeton , but all it costs me is dancing bachata , and solve that problem , on Friday participated in a dance club in college where bachata dancing.
In a small and brief summary of my life I think I have tried to reflect on these lines a little of what I am, I consider myself a person with expectations and usually with good positive energy to face the emerging challenges me as far life happens .