Thursday, October 8, 2015

Election day

In my opinion, the participation in the elections political is important because considered that my voting is very important, also the electoral activity is relevant and significative. The election the candidate is very important. In my family they are participative in the presidential election and municipal election.

I think that, the electoral campaing is relevant because in Chile, there juridical codices very strictly, and the justice penalizes acts of corruption. On the other hand, I considered the excess the pictures and mural, with the name of the candidate running for political office.

Is important considered that the person they must have qualities to lead a country in that sense, I believe that a requirement has to be studies in areas of population management.

In my opinion the electoral campaigns in my district is very irruptive and massive. The publicity invaded the streets, and the vehicle and public transport difficult are normality. Also considered that picture the electoral campaigns are necessary because the people remember that candidates participate in elections.  

The electoral participation is very necessary because many decisions the country depend of the participation of social sectors, and is necessary that the opinion the people be heard. 


  1. In my distric electoral campaigns is very irruptive and massive, too. I hate electoral campaigns jajajja

  2. Very good opinion, I have the same ideas about this topic. Best regard.
