Thursday, December 3, 2015

English challenges 

In this opportunity is very relevant considered, many aspect in my formation in English, during this year, is very important highlight advances in aspect in listening and writing. In my opinion  I consider that is a quality many important.  This year, in my university for me is very significative.

My blog is a web page many important, I think that is necessary continue written my ideas, because is important for me keep practice, also considerer, is a relevant for my to  keep constant practice.

In my opinion is very important to get better, is a consider that is many relevant study many aspects related that reading. Is important for the music in English, because increases my capacity to listening. Is important that my English is basic, for these reasons, I present difficulties for speak in my day to day.  I consider that English
is very important because, in my opinion is a universal language.  Also is relevant consider incorporate more practice respect to my level English.

I would like practice my English more often, because speak is one opportunity relevant in my learning. In my experience, English is considered a fundamental tool. Because it is relevant in the design to text.

The English is a fundamental to communicate whit people, also is a necessary in the academic readings.

For example, in my career, is a topic necessary reading in English, because many blibliography is in English. Then is important to know aspect basic the language for understand text.

In my opinion the English is a fundamental language in the life.

Good Bye.