Wednesday, July 29, 2015

End of semester

Hello, this time I will comment on the semester I'm studying in that sense I will start commenting on them being first half of 2015 have faced many difficulties at the beginning of the semester, but as the days passed was improving my situation. At first I had family complications that prevented could fully concentrate on the race. The good thing that has happened to me is that I learned new concepts and I have made very good friends.

Among my achievements I want to emphasize that the vast majority of the classes that I am taking the passing and that's very important because that way I move much faster in my training.
The subjects that I enjoyed, my friends have been cornerstone in my education, and I can support them when I have a problem, well I think they are always when I need to.

Regarding everything else, has been a very, very important experience because I linked my college progress with welfare causes me in the race, as I feel that I have little time in the race and the need to finish and get the needed achievements planned for the year.

To all my colleagues by way of emphasizing how important it is to study social sciences, it is that you can perform a range of possibilities with regard to research, and above all make use of all the tools provided by the University of Chile for investigation.

Good bye friend and professor. live happy.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Niklas Luhmann and Autopoiesis

For next week, I intend to talk about systems theory Niklas Luhmann, specifically of systems theory is the interdisciplinary study of systems in general. Its purpose is to study the principles applicable to systems at any level in all fields of research.

Niklas Luhmann gathers autopoiesis concept originally developed by biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela and applies to social systems (note here that Maturana has expressed disagreement with this application). Describe social systems as autopoietic it implies that the self-referential nature of the systems is not restricted to the plane of their structures but includes its entirety and its components, ie, the same system built elements consisting of.

For the presentation I intend to make a projection in which orderly express my ideas and above all that it can achieve a good level of presentation that referred to the appropriate topic images to be displayed.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Apoquindo walk breaks.

This photograph was taken by a fellow trail. We were in the national park waters Ramon. Exactly jump Apoquindo. He shows me really enjoying the waterfall, I am with my fellow college career, I take the picture late last year.

I like especially for reasons which highlights my adventurous spirit, also because it is a place that everyone wants to go, it is very attractive to enjoy the icy waters that fall down your back, almost to feel hypothermia. My traveling companions as I enjoyed in every sense of the journey, which is about 18 kilometers round trip, was almost like a trophy being in that place because it involves a level of resistance to both heat and also the path.

Furthermore, this picture is very special and important for me because it helped me overcome some personal problems I was experiencing in my personal life. I know that this start was very important for each of us, and above all makes the possibility of believing that you can always repeat the trip to Ramon waters and live another joy in the journey.